Monday, October 27, 2014

Wrapping up Marathon Training with a Fun Run

 It's Marathon Week!!! Lots of Loopsters are tapering for races in Marshall, NYC, Indy, and Santa Clarita (and...?) I'm getting pretty excited!!

Tapering is going great. I only did 19.5 miles last week, and I am feeling rested and fresh. Antsy even. Tuesday I cut my usual 7 to 5.5 and felt good. Wednesday I hit the track, but I didn't push it too hard, and cut it short. For those keeping score, I managed 4x400 (99, 96, 93, 91), 1200 at 6:56 pace, and 800 in 3:29. Just enough to wake up the speedy-twitch muscles. 6.2 total. Then I took off Thursday and Friday.

Saturday I planned to do an easy 8, but I was convinced to join the Mountain Goats, because they had picked a new trail that looked too fun to pass up. All single-track instead of fire road, with reasonable hills, and some cool stuff to check out. And less than 8 miles.

The trail was in Solstice Canyon in Malibu. Along the trail were several ruins of old houses that had been destroyed by fire in the 1980's. They must have been beautiful because the location is awesome, tucked into a canyon about a mile up from the beach. Here is what the house used to look like.

 But now it looks like this. We stopped to look around after the first mile.
The house is right next to the creek and a waterfall with lots of rocks to climb on. Not much water now due to the drought, but it was pretty cool.
Then we cruised along the trails. A new guy joined the group who was my age and speed, so we ran together the whole way and chatted. I took it easy and enjoyed the beautiful day.
It ended up being 7.8 miles, and I finished feeling plenty strong. No trips or falls to ruin my race.

So now it is marathon week. My plan is 6 easy tonight, 5 on Wednesday. Then Thursday morning, DW and I fly to New York City. We will be staying with my brother, and my parents are also going to show up, so it will be a fun family weekend. And of course I will be meeting up with Loopsters whenever possible, at the expo, before the race, after the race...

Looks like it will be perfectly chilly for racing, with no rain. Getting excited!!!

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